Fabric Ghost Tutorial "step by step"
White glue or corn starch
Thin fabric (cheese cloth works perfectly)
Aluminum foil
Black felt to glue or black felt pen to paint the face
Mix 50% glue and 50% water
*Another great option is 1 tbsp of corn starch boiled with 1 glass of water (and let it cool down)
Use a bottle or stack several glasses on top of each other
Model the head with a round shape of aluminum foil and then use another piece to make the arms (use some tape to fix if needed)
Cut the fabric a little longer than the highness of your ghost
Soak completely the fabric in the solution and then squeeze it well
Cover your ghost with the wet fabric and shape the folds as you wish
Let him dry under the sun for around 4hs
When completely dry, remove the ghost from the model and add the eyes and the mouth
. . . B O O ! ! !